German Chapter

ISSIP German Chapter

ISSIP’s German chapter was officially established by the Service Innovation team at Karlsruhe Service Research Institute (KSRI, in June 2012. The ISSIP German Chapter aims to provide an environment that supports its members in advancing their professional career in the area of service innovation. Scholars are provided with an opportunity to gain insight into case studies from practitioners, to extend their network of corporate partners for future research proposals, and to get access to fellow up-and-coming researchers with a focus on service innovation beyond the boundaries of their own institutions. Practitioners, on the other hand, can gain easy access to inspiration from academia, access to students as potential new-hires, or promote their organization’s success stories. Finally, graduate students benefit from better access to practitioners’ in their fields of interest for future internships, employment, or research contacts.

For more information, please click here to contact Neils Feldman, ISSIP German Chapter Chair.