Clara Bassano

Clara Bassano

bassanoClara Bassano is Assistant Professor of Business Management and Marketing at the Department of Management Studies and Quantitative Methods, “Parthenope” University of Naples. She was Visiting Researcher at IBM Almaden Research Center (Silicon Valley – California) and Visiting Fellow at the Ovidius University (Romania). She was awarded of the IBM Faculty Award 2010 for outstanding academic achievements with Stanford University (California) in the field of a research project entitled “Smart University Relations System”. She has been Associate Editor (AE) of the track “IT Services” of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Saint Louis, Missouri, USA 2010 and she has been reviewer for several Refereed Journal Articles as well as for International Conference Proceedings such as the 17th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2009), the 16th American Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2010), the 40th Conference EMAC 2011 and she is Member of several PC (Programme Committee) International Conferences. She is the Author of several publications including national papers, books and international conference proceedings on the search for the most appropriate reticular configuration such as networks and districts for the studies of governance and management of Italian SMEs. She is now focusing on the search of governance models to manage service systems from a methodology which merges Service Science and Viable Systems Approach.