Paolo Piciocchi

Paolo Piciocchi

piciocchiPaolo Piciocchi is Associate Professor of Business Management at the Political, Social and Communication Science Department, University of Salerno where he is Chancelor Placement Delegate and chair of: “Economics, Organization and Business Management”; “Economics and Business Systems Management”; “Economics and Public Management”. He has a PhD in Business Administration at the Economic Faculty of the University of Cassino and he is Member of the PhD doctoral Program on “Marketing and Communication” at the University of Salerno. He was Lecturer at the Westminster University of London for ten months focusing on internationalization processes in Italian SMEs. He has been reviewer for several Refereed Journal Articles and International Conferences as the Journal of Global Information Technology Management (JGITM) and the Special Issue of Service Science (SS) and he is Member of several PC (Programme Committee) International Conferences. His fields of research comprise: Communication Crisis Management, Innovation and Creativity in Complex Systems (Manufacturing and Cultural Districts), the Viable Systems Approach. He is Author of several works, including articles, papers, books, and international conference proceedings. He is now applying the Viable Systems Approach framework to public and private sector organizations. His main area of interest is linked to the studies of service systems, local tourism system, destination brand communication and creativity in cultural districts.